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May 15, 2023

Norman Chua: From Civil Engineer to Learning and Development (#3)

Norman Chua: From Civil Engineer to Learning and Development (#3)

Norman Chua is a dynamic professional and catalyst of change, who has made the career leap from a Civil Engineer in the transportation and engineering industry to a Learning and Development professional and Regional HR Leader who has utilised his influencing skills and corporate experiences to design and initiate programmes that produced lasting change. He is someone has successfully navigated multiple career transitions and shares his wealth of insights with an infectious level of energy and enthusiasm on national radio and contributes to news articles on human resources. We’re lucky to have him share and inspire us with his journey in this episode!

In this episode, we delve into the challenges of making such a switch, including the necessary skill sets and mindsets, and how to overcome any obstacles. We explore the strategies and resources our guest speaker utilized to develop their Learning and Development career path and share their valuable tips for those who are considering a similar move.

Norman Chua’s LinkedIn Profile:

You can watch the podcast on YouTube:



0:00 Episode highlight

01:47 One career myth debunked

06:05 Then and now

07:32 Starting to leap

09:42 Courage

13:45 Making change a reality

16:52 First paid gig

20:04 Ascendency

24:11 A powerful habit

26:01 When reality is different from what we imagined

28:45 Getting someone to provide an opportunity

33:11 What’s most rewarding

40:32 Final takeaways

Click on the Chapter icon on the bottom left of the podcast player above to access direct links to each timestamp


We hope this episode will inspire you to take action today, no matter how small it may be!

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Quotes from the interview:

“So that also triggered me. I said this won't work because if I continue to knock on doors, they won't open. So why not I create my own door? That was the way that I was thinking at that point in time.”

— Norman Chua

Then we didn't have ChatGPT and all these things. So everything is just on you to reflect, create awareness or make associations to connect the dots from everything that's happening around you because everything can teach you something.”

— Norman Chua

Developer is definitely one of my strongest strengths. This is who I am, I can use that quite effortlessly. I can exercise that quite easily, which is why I thrive in an environment like that rather than a more hardcore kind of engineering environment. So that's the red thread that actually cuts through everything I’ve experienced and where I'm going to go to next.”

— Norman Chua


Selected links from the Episode